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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

8 Fun Outdoor Games to Play in Spanish Class

Teaching in a place where winters can be long, makes me and my students appreciate every single minute we can have outside. Now that Spring has finally arrived in Boston, I have made a commitment to use the first five to ten minutes outside playing with my students as a warm up for class. We not only get some time outside, but we also get to use the language in context while having fun - a great way to get it to stick. Some of the game are also traditional, so this is a good way to bring a cultural element into class, too. 

Here is a list that includes some of the games I have been teaching my students. Click on the links to learn about each game. Most importantly, have fun and enjoy the fresh air!

1. El lobo
2. Color, Colorcito
3. Teléfono Roto
4. El Pato
5. El Ratón y el gato
6. Ponle las gafas al sol
7. El Paracaídas
8. Rayuela

Have fun playing outside!
Fun For Spanish Teachers

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