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Monday, August 25, 2014

Whole Brain Teaching in the Spanish Classroom {Facebook Corner}

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Ana Alicia says:
"Whole Brain Teachers! How do you introduce your rules in Spanish class. Do you use only Spanish? A little bit of English? English? This will be my first year using WBT. I am also trying to translate "Teach, OK" , "Mighty Groan" and "Mighty Oh Yeah." Any ideas? Thanks for your help. Have an awesome school year!"

Señora Speedy : I love WBT! I keep the rules in English so that there are no excuses for not following them. I do Clase, clase - , si, Espejo, Enseña, and Cambia. For the scoreboard they do ¡OH ! and ¡Que pena! We also did the air punctuation (well sometimes and only in 1st grade but they loved it and I need to remember to do it more.) Here is a link to a few blog entries where I outline how I use WBT in my classroom. 

Fun for Early and Elementary Spanish Teachers Wow! This is awesome! Thanks for sharing. I started using WTB a little last year and it worked great. I plan to start with WTB from day zero. I am still reading the book.

Neen: I have pictures next to my rules which are written in Spanish. I try to keep everything in the TL.

Christina: I have them in Spanish too!! Love WBT!

Roxanne:  We say the rules in Spanish and have hand gestures that accompany them. My partner teacher, who teaches in English, does them I'm English making sure to use the same hand gestures.

Danyell: This is great!

Kimberly: I have the rules posted in Spanish! I will go over them in English for the first weeks until they get the hang of them

Tabitha: Many thanks, Señora Speedy...I'm moving from high school to Kindergarten (Spanish immersion) and I was wondering how to introduce WBT and in which language!!

Jeisa: I teach Spanish Immersion too. I have my wbt rules posted in Spanish. At the beginning of the year we go over the rules every day in the target language. I have the posters already made in TpT in Spanish. Good luck!

Señora Speedy:  Tabitha - I think you could easily do the rules in Spanish if you are immersion. I am in the Specials rotation so I don't see my students often enough for me to feel comfortable doing them in Spanish. Although by the end of the year I did have students asking how to say them in Spanish so I might start in English and transition to Spanish later on in the year.

Mundo de Pepita I have the rules posted in Spanish, along with all our other procedures. Like Kimberly, we go over them in English and Spanish at the beginning of the year so everyone is clear and by the end of Sept I've transitioned over to only Spanish. (I teach in a Specials rotation like Señora Speedy). For getting their attention when I need it, I use the call and response 'Nachos', 'Salsa'. I would also note I teach using Responsive Classroom, so lots of modeling and reinforcing throughout the year.

Kristy: What do the rules look like in your classrooms? This is only my second year teaching Spanish in the elementary classroom.

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