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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Mystery Person {Game in Spanish}

This game can be used while teaching your clothing unit and later as a way to warm up or wrap up the class. I am sure there are different ways to play this game, but this is how I play it with my students.

1. One person leaves the room.
2. The rest of the class decides on a "persona misteriosa."
3. The student who was outside comes back to the room.
4. The class asks as a whole group "¿quién es la persona misteriosa?"
5. The student who is back in the classroom starts making sentences (orally) to try to figure out who the mystery person is. For example, "La persona misteriosa tiene la camiseta de color azul." The student can use the cards to create the sentences.
6. The class responds by saying, for example "Sí, sí tiene las camiseta de color azul" or "Sí, sí tiene la camiseta azul."
7. The game continues until he/she finds the  mystery person.
8. A variation could be to limit the times the student guesses.

If you use a different version of this game, I would love to hear it! Please share it in the comments.

Click HERE to download your free cards to play this game!

Have fun!

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