¿Cuántas manzanas hay?
Vamos a contar cuántas manzanas hay,
vamos a contar cuántas manzanas hay.
¿Cuántas manzanas hay?
Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez.
¡Diez manzanas!
Learn other names of fruits in Spanish and replace the word manzanas for another fruit.
banana - banano
pineapple - piña
avocado -aguacate
pear - pera
strawberry - fresa
strawberry - fresa
This site has more names of fruits in Spanish and you can listen to the pronuciation! How awesome!
1-2-3 Teach MeFor fun music to teach Spanish visit
Nice video. I am also interested in spreading the Spanish language among the natives.