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Monday, July 8, 2013

A Fashion Show in Spanish Class

I teach in a FLES program, so I don't really  have much time for big projects in my class. I see my students twice per week for 30 minutes each time. This is a fast and fun project to end your clothing unit.  My students love putting the paper puppets together and getting them ready for the fashion show. This is an activity I do with my second grade classes, and it takes them about three classes plus the class where they present their final work.

These are the steps I follow after we've learned the vocabulary and structures needed for this project:

Class #1: Students put their puppets together with clothes. I use the People Shapes Project Kit from Lakeshore,* Foamies Kids Activity Bucket* and also the free printable paper dolls from Making Friends.

Class #2: Students write a short description of their paper puppet. I give them samples for this and also something that I call "menú de vocabulario" which is basically a list and pictures of the vocabulary they need to write their paragraph. I use a lot of the target language in my class, but sometimes I cheat when I have to give them the descriptions of the projects and use English. That's when I use that 10% proposed by ACFTL, a recommendation for keeping your classroom in the target language for at least 90% of instructional time.

Class #3: Students practice their presentations with classmates.

Class #4: Students present their final work to the class. I use a small puppet theater and also record each of my students. I use videos as an assessment tool in my classes.

This is the result!

And there is more!
Download materials for the project here!


*Affiliate links


  1. This is great! I teach middle school and high school, but I could definitely see doing something similar, especially with my 7th and 8th graders. On the other hand, maybe you've inspired me to offer a Spanish class on clothing during our summer school elementary enrichment program next year. ¡Gracias!

  2. Thanks Carolina! Fanstástico :-)
