Summer in Spanish: Bubble Time!

Last year, Julie from Mundo de Pepita shared some ideas for summer camps. We decided to keep the tradition alive and here is my first sharing.

Bubbles are always fun to add to your summer camp! It's a great opportunity to learn some opposite words such as sube, baja, grande and pequeƱo. You can also count the bubbles while popping them. I was able to find *bubbles that stick for a long time so it allows me to play with the language. 

This song is a really great opportunity to take your class outside to play with bubbles while singing in Spanish. Introduce the word burbujas in Spanish.

Have the children call out the bubbles along with you: Ā”BUUUUUURRRRRBUUUUJAS!

Play the song while children play with the bubbles.

Stop by Mundo de Pepita's blog to read her awesome activity for summer camps in Spanish!
Happy Summer!

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