Materials: Felt, scissors, pumpkin, velcro and very creative children!
We had fun making a face for our pumpkin. With this activity children can review/reinforce knowledge of parts of the face in Spanish:
Los ojos (eyes) , la nariz (nose), la boca (mouth), la cara (face)
Place the different parts on the pumpkin while you ask your students the questions about them:
¿Qué es?
¿Dé que color es?
This activity also supports one of the songs (traditional) we have on one of our music CD’s, "Jump into Spanish” which has the following lyrics:
Mi cara redonda tiene ojos y nariz,
Tiene una boca para cantar y reir,
con mi boca como ricos helados de maní.
My round face has eyes and a nose,
It has a mouth for singing and laughing,
I see everything with my eyes,
I sneeze with my nose,
And with my mouth I eat yummy peanut ice cream.
Have fun singing in Spanish!
Labels: face, Halloween, song, video